
by Bailey Kay - Miss Sandy City International

Bailey Kay.JPG I was in seventh grade when I discovered I had anxiety. I didn't go to school for 2 months because every day my mom would take me, and I would end up on the floor of the car sobbing and hyperventilating. I was a sophomore in high school when I was diagnosed with depression. I skipped class a lot, I would cry over everything, and I would never leave the house.

by Steven C. Hayes, PhD

What can we do to prosper when facing pain and suffering in our lives?

Pschologist Steven Hayes describes psychological flexibility in relation to his own harrowing panic disorder

Check out our ADAA members' new books that offer help for the public and support for professionals.
Telehealth allows for increased access to care, providing a flexible option for families, and allows for exposure work in the home setting where compulsions may be the strongest. Yet, telehealth does not come without challenges.

Social Anxiety Support Group

New York

Do you experience social anxiety? This weekly support group will include practicing exposure with others who share the same challenges. Facilitated by ERP therapist Tracey Horst, this group will offer opportunities for connection and progress towards recovery for participants.


  • Thursdays at 5pm starting May 2, 2024
  • Meets in person at 224 W 30th St, Suite 1001
  • 60 minute sessions

Fee: $60/session

As a medication used traditionally as an anesthetic, ketamine now shines as a potential lifeline for those battling severe depression, anxiety, and suicidality. Its ability to provide rapid and effective relief in treatment-resistant cases offers hope to those struggling with severe mental health challenges.
by Martin Kovalik
I was diagnosed with OCD, autism, and depression. In elementary school, I always felt different—I didn't understand the people around me, and I was treated badly.
April 3, 2024
David H. Rosmarin, PhD, ABPP and

Dr. David Rosmarin talks with ADAA about his study of patients being treated for anxiety and how they managed through the Covid-19 pandemic. 

by Bryce Mackie
My goal is to destigmatize the topics of mental health and addiction and to create awareness so that people suffering can ask for help, know they are not alone, and realize there is always hope.